Monday, 17 January 2011

Ooo - A little bit of leg!

Hmmm -  the gimp suit arrived this will give you a little taster. It's shiny and it's lycra, and it's not going to leave a whole heap to the imagination.

For an explanation - go onto Facebook and look for the British Women's Ski Mountaineering Team - that should make things a bit clearer.

For those of you who know myself and Di, then this might be the opportunity to help us out a little bit. It has proved to be a whole heap more costly than we expected, so if any of you lovely souls would like to contribute we would REALLY appreciate it.

In return for any contribution, we agree to go for public humiliation and post a pic of our very souls in our one-piece lycra numbers (not just a bit of leg) as a way of saying thanks.

Any contributions can be made via a cheque to "British Women's Ski Mountaineering Team" - and sent to either Di (address at or myself. Alternately ping us an email or gis a bell and we can give you bank details to do it over the internet. Any left over monies will go to charity.

Hate to grovel and all that, but for those of you who know us, it's got to be worth at least a tenner to see us all lycra'd up ;-)

Any questions - just ping me a missive  at

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